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NPR: Wear a Fucking Mask w/ Nicole

Posted: August 11th, 2024 | Author: | Filed under: General | Comments Off on NPR: Wear a Fucking Mask w/ Nicole

On this week’s NPR we talk with our comrade Nicole, who does mutual aid and disability justice work in the NY area. Nicole reports back on the recent Nassau County, NY, hearing where legislators pushed through the “Mask Transparency Act.” This bill has now become a law that makes masking in public a misdemeanor offense punishable by jail time and a heavy fine. The hearing was full of fash and cops and Zionists supporting the bill and being very out of pocket. We discuss the (additional) power this law could give cops to threaten the health and life of disabled and immunocompromised people and everyone else, as well as the law’s intent to repress protests. But Nicole also reminds everyone of the relationship between Palestinian liberation and disability justice and the importance of fighting for both.


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