Posted: July 3rd, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on NPR feat. UCSD community members
On May 5th, a group of UAW affiliates walked on stage at a UC San Diego awards ceremony and disrupted the scheduled events. Why you ask? They were bringing to light the failings of the university administration to uphold the union contract they brokered as a result of the UAW strike of 2022. As a result of this demonstration, 67 graduate students are now facing disciplinary action.
This week, we speak with two UCSD community members about their ongoing struggle. Alex is a graduate student researcher studying cancer genomics at UCSD and a member of the UAW local 2865 academic workers union. Wendy is faculty member at UCSD and part of executive board of San Diego Faculty Association that endorsed the faculty solidarity letter that now 299 signatures (over 100 from UCSD) calling for the withdrawal of the charges.
Posted: April 4th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on NPR feat. Davis Books to Prisoners
Featuring a conversation with Colin from Davis Books to Prisoners. Juniper and Mai discuss the carceral system’s emulation of slavery, banned books in prisons, and the B2P mission.
Posted: April 4th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on NPR: Kirks Off Campus debrief
TPUSA, known fascidork student org, brought their leader Charlie Kirk to UCD campus on 3/14/23. This week, 4 community members discuss the outcomes and their thoughts on the event as a whole.
Posted: March 7th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on NPR feat. Mark Bray
This week we speak with Mark Bray, a historian of human rights, political violence, and politics in Modern Europe at Rutgers University. He is the author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Melville House 2017), The Anarchist Inquisition: Assassins, Activists, and Martyrs in Spain and France (Cornell 2022), Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street (Zero 2013), and the co-editor of Anarchist Education and the Modern School: A Francisco Ferrer Reader (PM Press 2018). His work has appeared in Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, Salon, Boston Review, and numerous edited volumes.
You can find out more about what Bray is up to here:
Posted: February 7th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on NPR w/ Maddalena
We talk with Maddalena, a disabled, chronically ill, autistic, and ADHD PhD candidate at UC Davis who is also a rank and file UAW 2865 member and proud Wildcat striker. She’s a 1st generation college student and a police and prison abolitionist, whose work has included organizing and running expungement clinics in the Central Valley. She has also helped formerly incarcerated and system impacted community members work towards pursuing their formal educational goals, such as high school and college degrees.
Posted: February 4th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on NPR Episode 5 w/ Mia Dawson
On this episode of NPR we interview Mia Dawson, a community organizer and scholar based in Sacramento. She is a PhD Candidate in the Geography Graduate Group at the University of California, Davis, with a designated emphasis in African American studies. Her scholarly work focuses on urban human geography and Black social movements, specifically on the contemporary movement for abolition in Sacramento. Mia also works with the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program, collaborating on the development of community-based violence interruption programs and alternative first response systems. As a community organizer, she has led and participated in initiatives against police terror and incarceration in her city with groups including Black Lives Matter and Decarcerate Sacramento. She is a co-ordinating committee member and research partner with Decarcerate.
Note: Audio begins around the 43:30 minute mark. We record live in an old-school studio, apologies!
Posted: February 4th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on Introducing: NPR
Welcome to No Police Radio. You can hear us every other week discussing all things abolition, from tuition to the prison-industrial complex — everything that has to go to make way for a free university. We’ll feature conversations with guest organizers, abolitionist scholars, and people who have taken part in the university’s radical history, all with an eye toward how we get free.
Posted: January 25th, 2023 | Author:ucdcoc | Filed under:General | Comments Off on Defend the Atlanta Forest
We talk with activist-organizer-community member Kei on the ongoing territorial struggle over the Weelaunee Forest in South Atlanta, where the Atlanta Police Department seeks to turn 300 acres of forest into a tactical training compound. Rest in power, Tortuguita.
Each year, as summer comes to a close, the sun-exhausted townies of Davis wipe the sweat from their brows and the wildfire ash from their window sills. They are bracing for the autumnal ritual, which begins with out-of-towners trickling back to apartments they leased in spring and reaches its crescendo with processions of families pouring into campus and the downtown, armed with Ikea furniture soon to be stuffed into cramped dorm rooms. It’s ineluctable — not just the buzzy crowds, but the sheer capacity that’s suddenly set in motion to get these thousands of people housed, fed, entertained. Like all forms of spectacular pleasure, it rests upon erasure — of the workers who keep the operation running; of the land and its history, which is a violent one and without which none of this would be possible.
We definitely aren’t here to tell newcomers that they should substitute their exuberance for a new chapter in their lives for angst-colored glasses. This is just to say that there are stories here, ones that won’t get told during your orientation. This is our attempt to share some of those stories.
Here we follow the long tradition of UC Disorientation Guides that seek to provide a counter-hegemony to the cleansed history and experience that the UC wants you to have. Because, tbh, they’re scared that being a militant is way more fun than a football game.
This guide is just a start, come help us keep the fire burning —