Degenerate decadence from our central valley to yours

Disorientation Guide ’22-’23

Posted: August 18th, 2022 | Author: | Filed under: General | Comments Off on Disorientation Guide ’22-’23

Cops Off Campus sticker on the door of Dutton Hall: Your riot cops won't save you your criminalization of dissent won't save you your tuition hikes won't save you your task forces won't save you your staff cuts won't save you your poverty wages won't save you your sad surveillance guys won't save you your fake office of diversity equity and inclusion won't save you more pepper spray definitely won't save you we could save you but we're not going to. cops off campus

Each year, as summer comes to a close, the sun-exhausted townies of Davis wipe the sweat from their brows and the wildfire ash from their window sills. They are bracing for the autumnal ritual, which begins with out-of-towners trickling back to apartments they leased in spring and reaches its crescendo with processions of families pouring into campus and the downtown, armed with Ikea furniture soon to be stuffed into cramped dorm rooms. It’s ineluctable — not just the buzzy crowds, but the sheer capacity that’s suddenly set in motion to get these thousands of people housed, fed, entertained. Like all forms of spectacular pleasure, it rests upon erasure — of the workers who keep the operation running; of the land and its history, which is a violent one and without which none of this would be possible.

We definitely aren’t here to tell newcomers that they should substitute their exuberance for a new chapter in their lives for angst-colored glasses. This is just to say that there are stories here, ones that won’t get told during your orientation. This is our attempt to share some of those stories.

Here we follow the long tradition of UC Disorientation Guides that seek to provide a counter-hegemony to the cleansed history and experience that the UC wants you to have. Because, tbh, they’re scared that being a militant is way more fun than a football game.

This guide is just a start, come help us keep the fire burning —

Fuck The Police

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